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I also want Hook to tell Emma the truth. He needs to let her know what is going on.
I’ve kind of backed up a little in he “should” tell her as “she needs” to know.
I agree to a certain extent, but we have to remember WW told him IF he TOLD Emma, she was going to kill Henry- straight up. So he really is stuck between a rock & a hard place. I think at this point he is hoping Emma will be strong enough, quick enough, for her & Regina to take down WW Before it comes to him having to make a choice between saving the child he’s grown to care for (whom happens to be the son of 2 people he respects & the women he deeply loves) at the expense of taking an essential part of the women he loves away, or saving that part of the women he loves & knowingly risking/endangering her only child being murdered by a sicko on a power trip- either way in his mind it’s down to him who dies. As far as Everyone knows- Emma is NOT strong enough YET to take down WW, so in Hook’s mind, telling Emma wont just be putting Henry directly (& her other family & friends) in danger, but will also result in Emma doing something rash & getting hurt/killed anyway. It really is no win.
I just think in this instance it is as much- if not more Hook’s choice on what to do (tell her or not)- he’s the one that’s been cursed, he’s the one who has to decide who lives & dies- so it should be his choice on whether or not he takes the risk telling Emma & risking Henry’s life. I mean it swings both ways- he’s damned in many peoples eyes if he doesnt tell (he’s withholding info related to her & Henry) & he’s damned in the rest if he does (he’s willingly putting her family at risk & worse having her son be the instant target for WWs wrath/ murder promise).
For me it comes down to what would Emma really want here- to be in the know at the expense of Henry’s life, Or would she rather Hook play for time in the hopes she gets strong enough that the threat to Henry is reduced or eliminated all together & THEN tell her? I mean once Hook “tells” her, he cant take it back- Henry goes from having his life “threatened” to being an “actual target” for death- that distinction wont be lost on Killian at all & I think Emma would throw 8 types of fit if Killian put a death warrant out on her son by “telling her”, before he “really” needed to. I cant see Emma telling Snow her child was in danger if the shoe was on the other foot. TBH think she’d do Exactly what Killy is doing now- shut up about it & hope the situation changes in their favor, so she can ‘safely’ tell.