Now, if they do decide to make CS canon, I am going to be angry. Why? Not only because they put CS together, but because they killed Neal to make it so. This shows that the writers have had no interest in the character since they conceived him. I mean, THEY WERE THE ONES THAT CALLED MRJ FOR THIS ROLE! To quote Agent Coulson (for all my SHIELD friends out there), “This has to mean something!”
It would be incredibly lazy writing for them to have killed off one of their few 100% original characters just to make CS happen. It would be offensive to Neal’s character as a whole. It would be them throwing away YEARS’ worth of their own hard work. And frankly, the way they’ve been writing Hook so shady lately, if they do pull some stunt that shows CS as TL, it would be straight up laughable, because Emma doesn’t even truly know him right now.