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@Epona, you’re not the only one having issues with Regina. I’ve been steadily disliking her more and more since 3B especially Kansas. As I said in chat yesterday, Regina (and Rumple) work better as neutral characters with leanings towards the good side because of Belle and Henry rather than proper heroes.
I dislike Regina’s whole attitude of “the book made me a villain” No Regina YOUR ACTIONS made you a villain, the book only documented the past. All the other characters on the show acknowledge when they’ve done a bad thing, even if they continue doing those things. Regina on the other hand takes no responsibility for her actions, she constantly blames others for every wrong thing she does. Regina in Kansas was such a mary-sue. She was irritating.
Obviously fans will stand up for their favourite characters, it’s only natural, but I think there is a difference between acknowledging the character has done something wrong yet trying to explain it away and just completely whitewashing a character’s actions which I do think some EvilRegals try and do. There is no way in hell that Hansel and Gretel had a choice. There is no way in hell Marian or that village had a choice.
OQ has completely screwed over Regina’s character and I’m bored of seeing Regina whining about how nothing is her fault, how everyone else is to blame, how she doesn’t get to be with a guy because Emma saved his wife from being murdered by Regina. Regina has to learn that she can’t treat people like dirt then expect them to like her. I cheered when Sidney betrayed Regina because, quite frankly, she had it coming. Yet Regina seemed surprised by it. She’s so convinced she’s life’s victim, how could anyone betray poor little Regina who hasn’t done anything wrong, she’s quite deluded.
I couldn’t get invested in OQ because of the speed it developed, a crappy “they’re meant to be together because pixie dust said so” is no substitute for the characters emotionally connecting and developing chemistry. Had the build up been slower, I would probably feel more sympathy for Regina. However, with the reveal that Regina originally murdered Marian, OQ just leaves a bad taste. It’s wrong for a murderer to be dating her victim’s husband and nothing is going to change that wrongness. I seriously question the healthiness of such a relationship.
Regina needs to suck it up, grow a pair, and own up to her mistakes. She needs to try and make amends with those she can that she’s wronged. It’s a little late for the village she had slaughtered but she can still make it up to the likes of Belle, Marian, Henry, Hansel and Gretel, Snow etc.
On to CS.
The scene at the end between them was kind of sweet. Emma’s hair looked nice in the ponytail. I would’ve preferred Emma to have gone through the memory box by herself then Hook comes in on the tail end rather than Hook rifling through the box. I know he had her permission but it just seemed like such a personal thing. I did see an interesting theory that because Emma is opening up about her past to Hook, she may be expecting him to do the same which is where future angst may lie for CS one way or the other.
I am very intrigued about next episode where it looks like Belle tries to use the dagger on Rumple and possibly finds out she has the fake dagger Not only does it add another dimension to the whole Rumple lying to Belle about the dagger situation but it also makes me wonder where does that leave Hook if Belle does find out because the deal Hook and Rumple had was that each would keep quiet about the other’s misdeeds so long as the other didn’t go spilling about their own. If Belle finds out, then Hook has nothing to hold over Rumple.
This is going to be an unpopular thought but I do agree that CS wasn’t planned from the beginning because of the rights issue. The writers may have had the idea, they may have even had a back up idea just in case they didn’t get the rights. But until they had the rights, they couldn’t really go with CS until they knew it was a certainty. Once they got the rights, they probably started playing around with it but I don’t think CS was planned when they were filming the pilot.
I do wonder if they might be bringing Neal back because of the sudden spurt of Neal references. I think Emma and Neal need to properly lay that whole chapter to rest once and for all. As strange as it seems, I would’ve liked for them to bring Milah back rather than Marian (a bit difficult because of the way she died) but the aftermath would’ve been so much richer. There would be lots of angst for Hook and CS because when he’d finally moved on, the woman he spent centuries avenging returned to his life, plus Milah would create trouble for Rumple. Two couples connected by one character plus we wouldn’t have to endure Regina’s whining.
So yeah, interested to see where the Rumple/Hook blackmail plot is going to go.
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