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Overall, I did kind of see this episode as A&E basically telling the fandom ‘yeah, we hear you! SHUT IT!!!’ haha. The criticism thread for the episode discussed whether the episode could have been considered baiting…I’m not sure I’d go that far, but I do know when I was watching Emma/Regina scenes thinking the SQ ship must be having a field day, Hook’s comment to Will about his relationship with Henry as the writers putting anti-Hookers in their place regarding Capt Cobra, etc etc. I think I was amused by it for the most part, personally. I wasn’t sure it was the best idea, because I’m assuming there was a lot of “feedback” after the episode, and frankly, people are going to think what they want to think and see things they want to see at this point. (I did see somewhere someone saying Hook looking at the photo of Emma & Neal and his reaction being his realization that he and Emma would never be together right now if Neal were alive….definitely not sure we were watching the same show, that fan and I because I saw Hook looking at Baelfire and feeling all of the pain and complicated emotions he has for Bae flood to the surface, but maybe that’s just me.) ~~~ Of course, I loved the CS scenes we had! I love how, now that Emma and Killian have both admitted to themselves & each other how they feel, now comfortable they seem to be with each other. It’s wonderful to see Emma opening up more and more – I’m hoping, now that she and David seem to have established a nice balance, it happens with Snow. I was both amazed and not surprised (if that’s possible!) when Emma brought out her box of childhood possessions and shared them with Killian. I’m glad there was a pic of Neal in there, and I’m glad we got to see the pain both Emma and Killian still feel when reminded of him. (Because while I don’t think for a second Emma was even contemplating resuming her relationship with Neal, both she & Killian did care for him in their own ways….I won’t bring up the fact that she bailed on one date and got more than a tad fancified for the other as an example of that opinion or anything…tee hee) And I was glad to see Graham’s shoelace was back after being removed for the date. To me, going through her past, seeing the photo of Neal, after her date with Killian, really drove home the concept that Emma is not forgetting about or letting go of her past; rather, she’s looking at the memories and momentos and instead of only seeing the pain, she’s finding the positive. Again, amazing character development for our girl. I can only hope that Killian’s identity crisis that I would assume will occur, and his recovery from it will be as well done. Ok I just realized this post is about 1.5 pages in word (yeah, I type them out there now before posting, lost too many with a flick of the wrist typing directly in the forum! Ha! So I will bow out. Continue with the pretties, Surayya, I love seeing them! And I’m loving the discussions that have come up – you’ve given me lots to think about! ahem – and our pirate is really the only man alive that could get away with that shirt.