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I’d actually really like to know how much Emma knows about Hook’s past. I really think she does know exactly who Milah was, both from the scene in Bae’s old cave in 304 and because she’s not an idiot. I’d like explicit confirmation one way or the other though. Other than that though, I have no idea what she does and doesn’t know.
Me too. I agree, she must know who Milah is in relation to everyone else. They looked pretty awkward in that cave when Bae’s mother was mentioned. She obv knows he lost his brother to Dreamshade (Charming told her that). I doubt she knows he was abandoned by his father – unless Neal told her, but I doubt it. Whether she knows he was an upstanding member of the Royal Navy, who knows? Charming must have that sussed though, he recognised the insignia as military, and Hook said his brother was his captain, so two and two should equal four on that. But you know, Charming can be pretty dense sometimes.
That’s something I’ve wondered about…we had Rumple say several times in “The Crocodile” that he could see that they were True Love, and while I wouldn’t take his opinion on love as gospel, especially at that point way before Belle, we did see that each of them was willing to die to protect the other, and that seems like pretty true love to me. *Shrug* I guess it comes down to whether someone can have more than one TL in a lifetime–although really, Hook has had like four lifetimes so I could believe that he had two TLs 300 years apart, haha. Obviously I think he and Emma are TL though regardless, and I’m really hoping we see proof of that by the end of 4A. *fingers crossed*
I agree with the Emma isnt stupid, she must have put 1 & 1 together considering all the hints (these are just off the top of my head & are only between Emma & Killian as those are the oonly ones I can recall pretty much word for word lol)- 2×06 Emma say’s to Killian “Gold, Rumpelstiltskin, he took more than your hand from you didnt he. That’s why you wanna kill him.”
In 2×16 When Emma is talking to Rumple & Hook comes in, stabs him, then says “You took Milah, my love, my happiness & for that I now take your life.” Then Emma KO’s him with a trash can (LOL), asks Rumple if ‘he’s alright’, Neal comes running down asking ‘what the hell is going on?’ & Emma replies with “One of your dads enemies found us”. Neal responds with “Hook” & Emma asks “You know him?”
In 2×22 “And Straight On ‘Til Morning”- Emma tells Hook Henry’s father is Neal & Hook responds with “Baelfire”
In 3×01 Emma & Killian talk about Bae/Neal on the Jolly Roger. Hook says “You know, Bealfire & I once spent a lot of time together.”
Emma “He was always Neal to me”
Hook “yeah, right. This was his *hands Emma Bae’s cutlass*”
Emma “I didnt realise you were sentimental”
Hook “I’m not. I just thought you could use it considering where we’re going. To fight”
Emma “Thanks”
Hook “To Neal” *raises glass*
Emma “To Neal”….
Emma “How long was he(Neal) with you?”
Hook “Long enough for me to know I miss him too”
In 3×06 in Baes cave-
Emma “I cant tell yet. I didntn know he liked drawing”
Hook “He got it from his mother” *Emma turns to look intently at him*- IMO, the look on her face here is when she clicked who Milah was in relation to Neal & Rumple as the camera swings around to show her reaction to these words & IMO- there’s a reason for doing that.
Emma “You knew him pretty well didnt you”
Hook “We spent some time together”
Then you have all the 3B Killian & Henry references as away for both Henry & Killian to remember & grieve for Neal.
Personally I think Rumple simply considers Milah & Killian to be true love, as it sort of lessens the blow of her choosing to run off with a pirate if it’s TL. I dont consider anyone to be TL until I see it confirmed either by TLK or A&E tell us they are TL (neither of which has happened for Milah & Killian, all A&E have said is they loved each other, so yeah.)
I have to admit, I dont know how A&E are going to pull off OQ…. I mean I already really like Marian as a character in her own right, so will be very disappointed if they kill her off. I want her to get her HAE, she deserves it- esp if they are going to split such an iconic couple up (& I’m not even a big Robin Hood fan). I’m not opposed to OQ, as I know it’s going to happen whether I like it or not 😉 I just hope A&E sort the mess out in a tasteful manner, rather than just offing the third wheel :/