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Crack theory – DQ’s mirror had the power to reveal her true love, and it revealed Zelena, along with a future full of happiness and kids, that they were meant to have together. When she found out about Zelena’s death she used the mirror to watch what should have been her future until she was driven insane (like the mirror of Erised), which is why she’s only just come out of the woodwork now. She smashed the mirror in a rage one night, but in her desperate panic to fix it again she discovered a spell to combine different, powerful mirrors, that would enable her to reach into the past and save Zelena, thus saving her own future too. The mirror showed her what was meant to happen, had everything gone to plan. But then Rumple went and butchered Zelena so… oh well :/
Aside that I can’t stand Zelena (what they made of this character, they turned a basically interesting one into an annoying caricature, which even in a campy fairy tale comedy would have been tough to watch every week on screen), I like your idea in some ways. It would be motif of love, loss, reunite and maybe take revenge again, a story line this show is not always good in telling but very much inclined to tell again and again, so fits their style. But aside being maybe somewhat repetitive at least they would have a slightly different kind of setting, and, oh, kinda by the way could finally do something about more diversity, queer representation (although two white women is a bit of a trope in itself). I never like timeline tinkering, and we just had that, so I wouldn’t want the Snow Queen to succeed with any time altering plans, but find her happy ending in a different way.
Yes, I am suggesting to give the Snow Queen a happy ending, unlike Pan, unlike Cora, unlike Zelena – that I like Elizabeth Mitchell might play a tiny role in that, I admit, but I never read the story by Andersen as her being the ultimate evil but, as vague and mysterious as she was in the fairy tale, I found her fascinating and sensed a long story behind her actions, the first villain I thought of as doing evil not just for being (born) evil. Furthermore, it is getting boring, that so far the seasonal, guest villains have been all killed to solve the conflict, and why should just our main villains, Rumple, Regina, Hook get a happy ending.
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