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That whole final section, I was gasping and flailing, OH MY GOD!
This week’s trial was about Annalise taking a stand to out perjury because she was so affected by the corruption and unfairness of it all…then she went and planted evidence on Griffin. GAH, it’s so hypocritical of her, but you can still sympathise with her because she’s going to such lengths to protect Sam, because despite everything, she needs him. This is how you write complex characters, folks!!
Can’t wait to see what Nate does with those photos. Frank is so busted, which means Annalise is so busted, and what does Nate feel about Annalise these days? Does he have any sympathy for her, or will he wanna use this evidence to bring her down?
Dang near fell outta my chair when Bonnie was in Asher’s bed. It’s not like there were even that many suspects of who might be there when the camera panned over, so I dunno who I was expecting, but Bonnie totally blindsided me. There are a few characters who we’d been wondering about their whereabouts on murder night, and this ep it was like BOOM this is where Asher was that night, then BOOM this is where Bonnie was, then it ended with a completely unexpected BOOM HERE’S ANNALISE ON MURDER NIGHT.
“It’s always the one you least expect.” (Foreshadowing for Sam?)
Or just foreshadowing for Bonnie being in Asher’s bed? Speaking of, “Team Bosher,” they actually had Asher come up with a ship name for him and Bonnie mid-episode and by the end of the ep they’d slept together. LOL
I was literally APPLAUDING at the screen, like, HOLY CRAP YOU GO GIRL!!!
Okay, Wes is nice and all but SO NAIVE.
Either naive or a super schemer, I really can’t figure him out still. I mean, he’s the big hearted “puppy” who wants everyone to have fair trials, but he has no qualms about evidence being planted? Like, I know that helps Rebecca, and he likes Rebecca, but still, it’s sort of an illegal way to go about it but he’s cool with it. Notice he didn’t comment when Annalise touched the scratches on his wall and enquired, “You and Rebecca?” He’s perfectly happy for Annalise to believe that he and Rebecca are engaging in wall clawing sex, even though they’re not. And he’s getting changed in the next room without even bothering to close the door, which, now that I think about it, is a stark contrast to how she covered herself when he came into her house last episode. I just can’t get it outta my head that he’s up to mind games of some sort.
Murder weapon: The trophy of justice. Last known location : Asher’s apartment. He believes someone broke in and stole it.
I’m still not convinced it will be the murder weapon in the end. Reckon it’s totally possible that someone shot or stabbed him and he bled out before they even got there with the trophy.
Annalise was in the law office shortly after the 4 Law Students and Rebecca removed Sam’s body from the house.
After her, “I need you,” breakdown, I’m inclined to say that there’s no way she could have killed him. But then, maybe the point came where she’d decided that she was DONE being so needy, and the only way to get herself to cut him off was if he was dead? That whole, “Always the one you least suspect,” line is DOING MY HEAD IN because now I dunno what to believe because if they show us something that makes me think, “Well that rules them out,” maybe that means I should actually suspect them MORE. GAH! *HEADDESK* I love this show! LOL
At the moment I’m still leaning the way of Annalise NOT being the killer, but the students maybe think she is, which is why they’re going to such lengths to try and cover everything up in an attempt to protect her.
Either Bonnie was not in the house OR she left the house after committing the murder and went to Asher for an alibi. The phone call Asher got..he sounded VERY surprised that she wanted to come over and she was very cold afterwards. It’s possible Bonnie is using Asher to cover for her and he is unaware.
It’s a great alibi, especially now that Bonnie knows that Asher’s dad is a powerful man, so who better to get into bed with if you’re trying to set up an alibi, because if your alibi starts to fall apart, Asher could ask daddy to help them out of the situation. But is it too obvious that that would be Bonnie’s alibi? I mean, the timing works almost too perfectly? But then why would Bonnie screw one of the students unless it was necessary, because she’s so anti the concept of Laurel and Frank?