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Ooh, I like to think that too! We see Killian just going around “working” for Gold and then we find out later that he had that arrangement with Emma all along.
I don’t want to see Hook playing Rumple because we’ve already got Henry playing Rumple and it just seems a bit cruel that a character who does have issues with trust and honesty with others is only having their view reinforced by members of their family only using them. I’m a bit annoyed at Henry to be honest because what could have been a genuinely lovely family moment of Henry bonding with his paternal grandfather over his deceased father has now been reduced to Henry is only spending time with Rumple so that he can spy on him for Regina. I’m not keen on how the story has gone all gung-ho on the Henry/Regina relationship when previously Henry couldn’t be bothered to give Regina the time of day, now Emma, Rumple and Snowing aren’t even getting a look in. Henry and Regina needed to spend more time together, true, but not at the expense of the rest of Henry’s family.
I can only hope that this week’s episode at least partially restores it. I at least think I’ll enjoy seeing some of Belle’s pre-Rumple backstory and maybe seeing her learn about the dagger? Although based on some other spoilers I wonder if that might happen a little later since it looks like she’s using the dagger in front of him so he can just pretend to follow through.
I think Rumple has two choices, either confess or play along and take Belle to the Snow Queen, neither of which he particularly wants to do. I think he might actually confess (then probably wipe Belle’s memory) only because playing along would infinitely be more dangerous to Belle. if he confesses, yes Belle will be angry at him, she might even leave him (which I hope she doesn’t because RumBelle arguments need to end in something different other than Belle runs away all the time) but Belle would be alive and safe. Rumple has always been the type to let Belle go because he thinks she’ll be happier and better off without him and she always surprises him by coming back and sticking by his side.
I hope we start seeing a darker Belle because not only would that be more interesting than Belle leaves Rumple, cue the angst until they make up, but also since Rumple is being compared to an addict, him dragging Belle down with him into the darkness rather than her dragging him out of it would also be a real wake up call for him that he has to change because otherwise he’s going to end up not only destroying himself but Belle too. He does genuinely love her and only wants the best for her but he’s not going to stop if he thinks he’s only putting himself at risk.
All magic comes with a price!
Keeper of Felix