They could make everyone angry and put Neal (I so want call him Baevil from now on when talking about potential-future Neal) with Regina. Henry would have two of his parents together and it would make quite a few ships angry. Just imagine Emma’s reaction to that pairing. And fandoms……gaskets would explode, things would hit the fan. It would be spectacular.
Just imagine, would be glorious and Rumple would have several strokes a long the way. And of course RG would have wanted to kill everyone, lol.
Also, wouldnt make so many ships unhappy, maybe SQ, SF, bc if they had gone this way, OQ wouldnt be present, so they wouldnt complain, and i think Cs would be the most suportive of that ship, lol, that would be called what? EvilFire or QueenFire?
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"I offended you with my opinion? Ha, you should hear the ones I keep to myself".