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I think Moe did lie about how Belle’s mom died but only in the save the graphic details way. In all likelihood, Belle’s mom was probably ripped apart. Remember one of the soldiers in the first ogre war said something along the lines of “When the ogres rip you limb from limb, pray that death is quick”. The ogres aren’t going to be considerate just because they’re dealing with a woman. Also it’s possible that Belle did actually see what happened to her mother but that it was so traumatic, her mind actually blanked it out to cope.
I quite enjoyed this episode overall. There’s nothing major I can say I disliked about it.
Some highlights:
The Oaken scene- The guy playing Oaken was perfect and I just liked Belle’s “you said they were nice”.
Rumple rescuing Belle and mirror Belle- I think the mirror just takes the little doubts and guilt and really brings them out, it brings out the worst in people. I liked Rumple doing what he could to protect Belle even as he tried to keep his secrets. I like how, even though Rumple is lying to Belle, you can just tell by the look on his face that he feels bad about doing it. Hats off to RC and EdR for their acting this episode. It’s a shame they don’t give Belle more to do.
Regina- I’ve been quite critical of Regina lately but it was nice to see this episode that she did back off from Robin and told him so and basically told Robin to back off too.
Hook saying he was closer to two hundred- Proof that the 300 age range given to Rumple was to high!
Two minor dislikes:
Belle blaming herself for Anna’s disappearance- Timeline wise you are looking at about 2-3 years before the curse was cast. Ingrid taking Anna then doesn’t mean Elsa never saw her again from then up to present day and why didn’t Belle just say that last time she saw Anna the Snow Queen had her?
Robin- Robin needs to stop with the whole OQ business. His attitude towards Regina this episode seems to be “Regina! Regina! Why are you ignoring me Regina? Regina! Regina! I love you Regina! I love you so much that I know you’ll bring Marian back!” What exactly is Robin expecting? He’s stringing Regina along. He loves Regina but he wants Marian back. He needs to make a choice and stick to it.
All magic comes with a price!
Keeper of Felix