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Once day & there’s been zero activity???? What is this evil magic I see before me?
Well I started writing something last night, but got distracted and then tired so I just gave up, lol.
Soooo, do I understand this correctly… Belle’s mother risked Belle’s life & died to save books from Ogres? Umm- What were those books about that made them worth not only risking her own life, but that of her only daughter as well? Is that being a hero or just stupid… Dont get me wrong, I love books…. but dead is dead- like there isnt usually a 2nd chance once you die & she didnt have magic or weapons- I assume… so how exactly did she manage to hold off an ogre? …wait… do ogres even read? Like do they even care about what a book is *has hilarious image of a big bad ogre trying desperately to turn just a single page, in a tiny, little (to him) fairy tale book he’s trying to read, with his massive finger… *snort* (It was probably a prophecy about Emma come to think of it :p ) Anybody else get the feeling Rumple took Belles memories at the bequest of her father ….
So from what we saw…yes, Belle and Colette stayed behind to save some books. I don’t think Colette wanted Belle to stay with her (when the guards asked, she said “I will find her, now go!”) but she couldn’t stop her and apparently the guards couldn’t find her to drag her out. So they grab a few last books, then of course they waste a few precious seconds chatting about why Belle loves books, and then decide to hide under a table until the Ogres pass through.
Now we knew from before that Ogres “are blind. They hunt by sound alone”. Okay, so they were being quiet under the table…but then why did Colette say “Shh, it’s going to be alright” before they were gone? And the idea of Colette sacrificing herself for Belle reminds me of season two when Snow drew the Ogre away from Emma. I could see Colette getting up, running a few yards away, and shouting so the guards have time to get Belle out. But just because it’s plausible doesn’t mean it’s true (if so, then why wouldn’t he just tell her right off the bat?).
As for the books, well, unless they had some Braille books in the library I think the blindness rules out their actually wanting them. ;-P I think the Ogres just destroy everything in their path so they’d probably rip up the books or at the very least destroy the castle so they’d be exposed to the elements.
Snow was so sweet, enraptured at seeing her daughter as a little kid for the 1st time (Emma better keep a close eye on that tape or Snow is going to snatch it, me thinks lol), rather than seeing the ‘big picture’ of evil Snow Queen as her foster mother LOL!!! I have to admit I love how touched Snowing are at all things Emma, this season <3
I definitely thought it was both sweet and heartbreaking for Snow to see a young Emma. Although I didn’t appreciate Regina butting in while Snow was trying to see some of Emma’s childhood—you know, a few minutes of those 28 years as a family that Regina STOLE from them. (Residual anger from last week? Check.)
Couldn’t believe Belle lying at 1st, but understand it after Snow Queen cave/mirror events. It explains the weird look on her face all season, she knew exactly where Anna was & why Elsa couldnt find her. Was great to get a bunch of Belle back story & enjoyed pairing Belle & Anna together for their little Rock Troll adventure- very cute.
Yeah…it really reminded me of Hook in “The Jolly Roger” last year—hiding information from someone searching for her loved one because she was ashamed. Which is weird, because Hook and Belle don’t usually remind me of each other, lol. But it does also explain why Belle hasn’t been as helpful this season as she was before (like just standing there while David and Hook were trying to get Emma out of the ice cave)—she didn’t want to get involved there at all.
Rumple, Rumple, Rumple *shakes head*… so to keep your dirty big (because it isnt little) secret, you are willing to let Belle endanger herself by trying to confront the Snow Queen?!?! Grinds teeth.. Seriously?! Was fully expecting ice-Anna to pop back up at all the “Belle!” shouting, so it was cool to get ‘magic mirror Belle’ instead…Belle in the mirror was just creepy- totally got a “Host” vibe off of those creepy, creepy eyes lol & what made it sooooooooo much worse was that everything it said regarding Rumple, was all shades of true….so whats the deal with it, why did it make her go ‘evil’ after wards- still not 100% sure on what it does exactly…
Yes, and that was weird for me—it felt to me like a mirror that shows the truth rather than one that just makes you evil/angry/unable to see beauty or good.
Why in the love of all that’s green didnt Belle wonder why Rumple was still able to hold onto her after telling him to “Let me go” 3 times????? Should that have been the 2nd question on her lips after how did you come in here after me if this is the real dagger?!? Belle’s horror at herself with cutting Rumple was heart breaking. UGH!!!
My thoughts exactly! You’re holding the dagger, yelling at him to let you go, and he DOESN’T! That should’ve been like a big neon sign over the dagger blinking “FAKE”, lol. But then the cutting thing made no sense—two weeks ago we saw Hook stab Rumple with the eponymous appendage and he wasn’t affected at all. Shouldn’t the same hold true for the fake dagger since it shouldn’t have any magic?
And Rumple’s behavior, while not surprising, was disappointing…instead of coming clean he just keeps digging himself deeper! And now we have a whole NEW lie in that he had to pretend not to know anything about the hat. It’s very interesting to know that Belle would recognize the box though if she saw it!