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Yes, I basically agree. The amount of plot isn’t the issue, it’s the “let’s throw it all at the audience at once” tactic. You had prophecy, spells, dopplegangers, revelations about the SQ’s endgame, secrets, more family drama in the form of TWO secret sisters, lies and more lies, reflections in mirrors that talk. If they had spread this out more, it wouldn’t have felt so heavy in the last few moments. 404 was the first episode that really “took time off” with the Frozen story; there was Hook and Rumple and Hook and Emma, but it really stalled in the SQ/Frozen department. It’s like they made up for it spaghetti style–throw it at the wall and see what sticks.
See….the reason we have this issue is because of this half season crap they wanna give us….instead of just expanding over the course of 22 episodes, they wanna rush and have it all fit in 11. It would be a way of having cake and eating it too if we went back to the 22 episode course….we can still have our Core Cast have their moments, instead of being shoved aside for majority of Frozen! The show is Once Upon A Frozen now. Past episode was overwhelming with Frozen….but let’s just grin and bare it! It’s almost over…and Maleficent’s almost here! 🙂
Robin and Regina…my baby’s grown up so much!!! I’m heartbroken, but proud at the same time! And Sean and Lana’s chemistry was once again, just wow! They play off one another so well!
Elizabeth Mitchell….Brilliant woman as always! Her character Ingrid is a bit creepy, but like Slurp said, Fascinating at the same time! On the list of villains…I think I rank her right under Cora!
Belle and Rumple….(Sigh)….that’s all I have to say about that.
But overall…I’ll give this episode a 7/10.
"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor