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That makes sense. But I don’t think it’s going to make one bit of a difference when it comes to Hook and Emma. She’ll say that mirror might have shown the bad, but she sees the good.
Maybe. But then again, admitting the bad is the first step to real reform. So if they’re at least going to call Hook on the darkness that lies beneath, then that’s progress. I wouldn’t mind CS so much if the spell of shattered sight sparked real redemption in Hook and Emma at least wasn’t being kept in the dark.
I’m sorry. I’m not trying to kill people’s hope that Emma’s going to discover what Hook is, but I just think it’s putting all your eggs in one basket. It won’t matter, one bit, if she sees who he really is. If anything she might be like Belle and go live in denial land or say that she has darkness too and now they both know it but oh, hey. it’s totally okay.
‘Tis okay. Your OTP is going through tough times right now. Here’s the thing though. It’s not putting all your eggs in one basket to believe that things will come out into the open. They will. It’s just a matter of time before the spell of shattered sight gets cast. Belle can’t live in denial forever. Neither can Emma. The spell will force them to come to terms with the bad things that Rumple and Hook have been up to lately.
I don’t think the way CS or RB is currently being presented right now is meant to be healthy, nor do I think the show is portraying it as such. People may interpret it as romantic, but the show has been pretty clear in that Rumple and Hook are up to their old dark and dangerous games. But them making threats against each other’s significant other is not meant to be seen as healthy behavior, but rather as dark behavior. If Rumple and Hook are caught in their web of lies (as they will be) but then just refuse to change, well then I’d be worried for Belle or Emma continuing to be in a romantic relationship with either one.
"That’s how you know you’ve really got a home. When you leave it, there’s this feeling that you can’t shake. You just miss it." Neal Cassidy