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I wish I could say the same, but I don’t think I’m ever going to enjoy Regina’s character at all unless they quit with the whitewashing and return her to Evil Queen status (so, probably never, lol).
I understand where you are coming from, I pretty much answered where i;m coming from re Regina in my response to Bo, so I wont repost it here 🙂
she does genuinely seem to care about Emma, so I’m looking forward to seeing more of what they had and why she erased Emma’s memories of her
she does genuinely seem to care about Emma, so I’m looking forward to seeing more of what they had and why she erased Emma’s memories of her
Me either- there is so much stuff to look forward to this arc & it’s only half a season long…. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again- I seriously wish we had a whole 22/23eps of this Frozen arc this year- mashing up classic Snow/Ice Queen tale with Frozen & Once has been a blast & I dont want Emma’s arc to take a back seat to Regina’s again so soon.
As to the actual CS stuff—like @callmeLola said, there wasn’t much of it this week, but we really can’t complain too much since we’ve been a bit spoiled lately.
Hehe,we totally have been 😉
I was a little disappointed that we didn’t even get a glimpse of whatever Hook and Rumple are up to for the second episode in a row, but I guess there isn’t time for everything.
I was more surprised than disappointed…. I will admit that the fact they haven’t even broached it, let alone addressed it, is niggling at me a bit now. I mean look at how good things where for OQ, then WHAM! BAM! Thank you Mam- crud hit the fan & the angst has been in over drive for them since + It’s A&E, I’m do have a niggle that they will send us up the river of angsty rapids… without a paddle… in a leaky boat lol
The line about there being lots of other blondes though…what even was that? I guess it makes sense if it’s a reference to trying to find Emma in NYC, not so much if (as the haters say) it’s a reference to ogling other women. I mean we all know how devoted he is to Emma; he wasn’t interested in anyone else even when her services were bought and paid for AND he thought he’d never see Emma again. (Actually something just occurred to me…the haters really need to make up their minds: is Hook creepily, stalkerishly obsessed with Emma or does he just want to use her as a trophy/notch on his bedpost then dump her? Haha.)
It was totally in reference to NY & maybe even a poke at how half of the main ladies are blonde atm lol 😉
He was just being his cheeky sassy pirate self & I do think he liked Emma’s reaction 😉
Yes, the haters are a bit all over the place- oh well, what ever floats their boats I guess lol 😉