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POST DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO DO THIS PLEASE… I would love to be able to block all the flashing gifs as the are REDUNDANT not mention very irritating… I stop reading post with too many of them
Depends on which browser you are using.
For forums I mostly use google chrome. Two extension are quite useful
Wizmage Image Blocker – loads the images but puts and overlay over them, so you see where the position of the image is, but you don’t see the image itself. You can easily toggle between show/hide images and can do it just for the open tab, so very handy if you don’t need to worry about bandwith and just want to ignore images, but eventually once in a while want to take a look at image.
Block Image – blocks images and videos from loading, so besides that you don’t get to see imagse, unless you want to, it helps to save bandwith.
At the moment I’m using Wizmage, works nice, takes a few milliseconds maybe longer to load. Good experience with the other too but only use it when going mobile.
These extension work as well in most other browser based on the chrome machine like Comodo Dragon.
Image show/hide – hides images on a website, one can toggle it via button to reload and show the images
Image Block – prevents images from loading
Not all satisified with the extension in FF, there a bit less friendly to use, but they work otherwise quite fine as well.
Don’t work with IOs or Mac OS though.
On mobile devices (tab, smartphones) it can get a bit more tricky, no easy on and off extension for mobile browsers, but there is in most browser the possibility to turn of image loading in general in the settings.
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