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If they did do her, I don’t think they’d actually show her hurting animals. (although they did show the heart being taken from the unicorn) but hurting animals on tv is a big no no because the audience cares more about the animals then the people. I could see her going after magical creatures like Ruby for their magical properties.
Well then as far as I’m concerned, she shouldn’t be on the show at all, because that’s what she’s known for. And I stand by what I said before, no matter what they have her do on the actual show, I’ll be pretty offended if they try to make her even remotely sympathetic or her actions justified. And I don’t think they would either; they’d probably alienate a lot of the audience. But bring that character in and it’s definitely implied. And I know about other people, but one of the issues I have with animal abuse being shown on screen is the long and sordid history of actually torturing animals for film. (I could go into more detail, but I’ll spare everyone!)
I really don’t see how Cruella can fit into the OUAT universe – AT ALL! . I’m inclined to think this actress for 4B is Aurora’s mother, the original Sleeping Beauty, Briar Rose or one of the three fairies. Plus, I googled her and the actress is Irish and Sarah Bolger who is our Aurora is Irish too.
I don’t see how either! Maybe she comes from Alice’s “fictional London” instead of the EF, haha. But with this and rumors of a Dalmatian puppy on set…it’s got me worried. And I wouldn’t be so worried about it if she were a one-episode villain either, but this character is apparently recurring. I’d much rather see Aurora’s mother, or the Black Fairy, or, well, anyone else, lol. I’m very much looking forward to having Kristin Bauer back, but this might put a damper on things. *sigh*
I know a lot of people want to see her- but I too would be mighty pis….ticked off if they tried to justify her harming of defenseless animals, so I seriously hope they dont go there. IF they stay true to her being a horrible human being, whom gets her comeuppance for trying to harm Pongo & co, then fine- moral of the story… do unto others, as you would have them do to you. I wont stop watching unless they cross a line- which I seriously doubt they will- 1) it’s a family show & 2) It’d be a political nightmare, what with the zillion animal rights & activists groups who’d get up in arms (which is one of the reasons I feel they havent gone there yet- how to stay true to that story, without kicking the massive hornet nest in the process).
Also so think it’s a little unfair to say people care more about animals than people- I think MOST people who feel very strongly about animal cruelty, also feel just as strongly about child abuse, because it comes down to the one fundamental thing that both are deprived of- free will/ choice … animals & children most often dont get to choose what people do to them & with them- they are taught to trust in people & then people harm them…. its beyond horrible.