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Home › Forums › Once Upon a Time › Character discussion › Emma + Baelfire = Swanfire › Reply To: Emma + Baelfire = Swanfire
So about Cruella…any surprise Disney has plans for a live action movie with her? Cause they do. Any way I always wanted them to make Cruella into a fashion magazine editor like Devil Wears Prada who had Neal as a fashion illustrator to explain his job in N Y. Then she rolls into SB tracking him down, sees puppies and magic and mayhem ensues….but who knows what they will do with her. I just liked the idea of some crazy rich villain from the real world who had resources to create a real problem .
thats so crazy…
I wrote in my notes last night on the plane some ideas that were in my head and cruella was one and the twist was she controls the dogs of hell she gets released with neal, chernabog, maleficent, and a few other villians in a deal neal made with chernabog to get back to earth…
when im home im home im writing the scene with rumple and makin some fan art eek
if they are bringing neal back the hat from fantasia with rumple…well chernabog is the god of death hes the villian from fantasia…if they wanted a realistic reason they have all the set up…s5 cud be a clean up of villians with old villians (evil queen and hook) fightinf beside the heroes against a new threat.