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So much for my spoiler black out… But come on, she’s one of the most iconic Disney villains. Just horrible and evil for evil’s sake. It’s all there in the name. So what if her rasion d’etre is to kill puppies she has a cracking sense of fashion and would give Regina a run for her money there
Why are we all of sudden worried about puppy abuse in a fairy tale? She never wins and puppies are never abused/killed unless I’ve missed something in my very limited knowledge of 101 Dalmatians. And surely surely Emma and Henry would know of her. How does someone in the real word take her seriously? She’s such a cartoon villain. Someone walking around in black and white houndstooth, banging on about a puppy fur coat, they’re gonna know exactly who she is. Hide the dogs, get them out of Storybrooke. There done, villain defeated. They’ll have to change her beyond what she’s known for.
For me I agree- she is 1st & foremost a cartoon villain, which is what I’m hoping & assuming they stick to with her (an oot villain like in all the movies)…. I’m just not interested in seeing them try to justify or make her sympathetic for her killing animals (puppies or not- I dont care) in the name of fashion- thats the only issue I’d personally have, but since I dont see A&E crossing that line (I assume & think they’ll keep her a villain for villains sake- like Pan, or they twist the story some how, so rather than using animals for coats- she’ll have awesome fashion sense & turn people into animals or lol coats 😛 ) it wont be an issue for me- as I said her being on the show isnt going to stop me watching. If she’s going to be on the show I want to see what they have in store for her…. & hopefully she wont be related to anyone for a change :p LOL
I’m not worried about animal abuse on show at this stage- my bit there was in response to whomever said people care more about animals than people- I dont think thats true in “most” cases & simply pointed out why I don’t think that’s true- it had nothing to do with CDV being on the show or not- sorry if I didnt make that clearer.