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I kind of wonder if the Hook’s kiss being the thing that robs her of what makes her special is an ongoing thing – like, it started there by literally robbing her of her magic (it floated off into the ether! – and wait, remind me again how she got it back? OH YEAH, MEMORY OF NEAL (sorry I’m having a moment)) but it’s continuing. As she continues to be with Hook, it’s robbing Emma of her Emma-ness… everyone in the fanbase is well aware of how un-Emma Emma is.
I’m not sure what to make of all of Emma’s ambivalence towards Hook. On the one hand, Emma seems most like Emma when she’s not going on dates with Hook. On the other hand, I’m not sure everyone in the fanbase is aware of how ooc Emma now is. They’ll claim it’s just Emma lowering her walls for him. (E.g. It’s the softer, “more feminine” side of Emma). There may be grains of truth to that claim. Emma is acting completley differently from the kick-butt bail-bonds woman we saw on a fake date in the pilot, but now she is on a real date with a man whom she’s at least interested in getting to know more. She seems to have been written now as having lost her senses for “Captain Guyliner” (best line from Regina). So if what we’re witnessing now is a “softer Emma” then how much more is it going to hurt her when she learns (at least some of) the truth that Hook has kept hidden from her? I’m pretty sure she’ll learn at least some of these things when the spell of shattered sight is cast.
However, given how Emma went from questioning how she could even trust Hook after he hid the truth from her about Zelena’s curse to making out with him when she learned he’d traded his ship for a bean to get to NYC, I’m just left wondering what is going through her mind. Does Emma supress her better judgement about Hook the way Belle was shown in 4×6 to suppress her suspicions about Rumple lying to her? That’s why I want Emma to take a good hard look in that magic mirror to see what difficult truth she’s submerging in her subconscious. I wonder what Emma’s reflection would say to her. Would it say she’s a blind fool for trusting someone she knew better than to trust when first they met? If Emma and Belle become aware of Hook and Rumple’s duplicity, yet continue to dismiss it because love conquerers all, then those ladies are the biggest doormats ever. If either lady has a shred of self-respect, then they’ll tell their men to shape up or ship out.
"That’s how you know you’ve really got a home. When you leave it, there’s this feeling that you can’t shake. You just miss it." Neal Cassidy