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1. Leopold is Snow’s father. Snow being Regina’s sister would make the Regina/Leopold pairing even more messed up.
We believe Leopold to be Snow’s father, just like people believed King George was David’s father or for that matter, James’ father, but in truth he was not. There are many adopted children who are not told they are adopted and many families who do not disclose that adoption. Another possibility is a baby switch (ABC has a Switched at Birth series and ironically one of the main characters is named Regina). I’ve never quite trusted Johanna. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone like her could have switched babies on Eva. There are many possibilities. We’ve also had the example of Cora planning on passing off one mans baby (fake Prince Jonathan) as another man’s baby…ironically that would be Prince Leopold. Wouldn’t it be ironic if fate proved true and even though Cora’s plan fell through and Zelena was not raised as Leopold’s baby…Snow was raised instead. Perhaps Leopold was fated to raise another man’s child. There is a term for that…the term is cuckold. To be a cuckold is to unwittingly investing parental effort into offspring that is not your own. The symbol for this is horns (antlers). Have you ever noticed how many antlers are on this show. There are antlers over the door of Regina’s family vault.
If Leopold is in fact Snow’s biological father then I do not believe Regina would be Snow’s mother. That is just too icky for this show.
2. Cora and Henry Sr are Regina’s parents. This is not the case..
We assume Cora and Henry Sr. are Regina’s parents, however, Cora was prepared to pass Zelena off as Prince Leopold’s child so it is not a stretch to think she could also do this to Henry Sr.
For Snow and Regina to be related, one of them would have to be Snow’s parent.
My crack theory is that Regina is Snow’s mother…thus Cora and Henry Sr. are irrelevant, as anyone could be Regina’s parent and Regina still be the mother of Snow. If however, Regina and Snow are sisters then you are correct…they would have to share to at least one parent. This does not have to be Cora or Henry Sr. It simply has to be the same parent. We were told that Rumple knew Regina apart from Cora back when she was “portable.” This does seem to be a nod to Rumple knowing Regina as a baby and we know that he is a pawnbroker when it comes to babies.
3. Cora told dead Eva she was going to destroy her legacy by corrupting Snow’s heart.
Yes she did. This could be several possibilities.
1. Cora does not know that Snow is not Eva’s biological child. As K&H have said, adoptive parents are real parents…thus Snow would still be Eva’s legacy.
2. Cora does know that Snow is not Eva’s biological child. Granny raised Red. Perhaps Eva is in actuality Snow’s grandmother. You would have a mash-up worthy of a Shakespearean dramedy. Eva gives birth to Regina…perhaps before her marriage to Leopold or she pulls a Cora and intends to pass off another man’s child off as Leopold’s. Regina is somehow stolen or switched…and Cora, Eva’s arch nemesis ends up with her. Cora may know or she may not know. If she does know it would sure explain why she was so abusive. Poor Eva and Leopold go for years without a child…sad, sad, sad.
Meanwhile…fast forward and Regina is all grown up and she and Robin of Locksley have a baby that is either switched, stolen or given away….and that baby ends up with childless Eva…party!!!! So, unknown to Eva, she is raising her own granddaughter, who is biologically related to her but not to Leopold.
Sounds far fetched but Shakespeare wrote the book on stories like this. Irony, Irony, Irony….
4. Aurora’s mother is called Briar Rose which is a name Disney’s sleeping beauty went by.
Yes, she is called Briar Rose by her little adoptive aunt fairies in the Disney movie. The name given to her by her father and mother, King Stefan and Queen Leah, is Princess Aurora. So, we have the mother from the Disney movie named Aurora and we have the daughter from Once Upon a Time named Aurora. I don’t see it to be a big stretch if the same thing were true of Regina and Mary Margaret…Snow White the mother…Snow White the daughter.
5. Adam might not give spoilers but if your theory is wrong, he can deny it.
I have tweeted Adam in the past proposing this theory….his answer??? Crickets!!!!
Your theory, whilst interesting requires a lot of hoop jumping and suspension of disbelief. If your theory was true, it would’ve been mentioned in-show by now. We’re 4 seasons in, 5 possibly being the last, it’s too late to bring that into the show.
From Twitter March 19, 2015
Kyle Gillespie @Magnusxxn – “…In other words, Once timeline is full of inconsistencies and mistakes.
Adam Horowitz – “we plan things rather intricately. And do our best to stick to the plan.”
Also, K&H indicated that at the end of this season we will rewatch the entire series from a different perspective.
You’re convinced your theory is true which means you are looking for stuff to support it rather than the evidence actually being there.
Well…I called it a crack theory and used the word “if”…so no, I am not convinced it is true and I’m pretty sure that looking for supportive evidence is what we all do with theories…whether they are crack theories or regular theories. Although I can look for evidence…I cannot manufacture evidence. If things turn up that seem to support the theory then yeah! If not, I sure wouldn’t have created this post. lol.
One of the triplets in B&tB is pulling an evil regal sign. Does that mean that Disney always planned to do Once Upon a Time as far back as the early 90s? Hell no, it’s just a funny coincidence.
That is comparing apples to oranges. All evidence I’ve used to undergird this crack theory are from this current series…written by people who have said from the beginning they know how they want it to end. It is not a big leap for them to embed clues into the show throughout the seasons that make for a big reveal. If by some chance this crack theory proves to be true it would be inconsistent with their writing style to have omitted clues embedded throughout the series.
I think you’re stretching to find meaning in things that are for all intents and purposes are meaningless.
You are certainly welcome to your opinion regarding that. 🙂
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