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Oy! Humans of the forums: how about some more responses here plz.</p>
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Your wish is my command, lol. I don’t have much explanation though because everyone else has said what I’m feelin.
1) The Dark Swan. Loved seeing DO Rumple as Emma’s voice in her head.
2) Bear King. Why was this a thing we needed to see?
3) The farther it went along, the less I liked it. I watched one of the episodes with my dad, who is a big English Lit guy, and when he saw how the show treated Arthur’s character, he said That’s an embarrasing interpretation of a great story.
4) Merlin. He had a very calming manner.
5) Hmm…I quite liked Charming teaching Regina to dance
6) The dagger being a part of Excaliber…so cool
7) Rumple being evil all along…so remind me the reason for purifying his heart again? And was him sacrificing himself for his family in season 3A part of a bigger plan? I was really touched when he called Emma brave in the finale, but then they had to ruin it.
8) C- One of my friends who is behind on the show asked if it was worth watching again, and I told her sure, if plot doesn’t matter to you. Oh! And in the finale, they must have said ‘the kind of man you/I want to be’ twenty times. So. Much. Repetition.
I really miss seasons 1 and 2