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1) What was your favorite episode of 5A?
The one with Regina and everyone else at the ball in Camelot.
2) What was your least favorite episode of 5A?
The rest due to plot holes and inconsistencies.
3) Overall thoughts on the Dark Swan/Camelot arc
Disappointing. I wanted Emma to be dark…but I suppose it wouldn’t make sense for her to be dark given that she was previously the weilder of the strongest light magic. Much, much more could have been made out of Camelot, though. There was no need for Merida.
4) Who was your favorite new character?
Even though there was no need for her, my favourite new character was Merida because the actress was so good. I just would have liked to have seen her at a different point in Once, if at all.
I would have put ”Merlin” seeing as he is one of my favourite mythological characters, but although the actor was fun to watch, I don’t think he and the character had enough omnipotency and omnipresence to make me believe that I was watching Merlin.
5) What was your favorite moment?
Regina dancing at the ball.
6) What was your favorite plot twist?
TBH, I can’t think of one. Most of the plot twists were based off of inconsistencies.
Perhaps Emma and Regina using Henry’s tears for the spell to release Merlin, but I saw this coming a mile off, and Henry didn’t know Violet long enough to make this believable.
7) What was your least favorite plot twist?
All the rest. Special credits go to
-Dark Hook, due to lack of DO symptoms prior to him knowing he was a DO.
-Dark magic coming out of Merlin.
-Rumple being the DO again…which is fine but it is for reasons that make no sense. It is true that he was addicted to power and magic while he was the DO, but he had all the darkness sucked out of him and was left with a pure heart, thus there should have been no temptation to become the DO again. There should have been no motivation.
8) Overall grade for 5A and final thoughts?
I wonder whether Adam and Eddy bother to read this fansite, Lily Spark’s blog and all the other most popular fan pages? Since 2B, Once has been getting steadily worse and worse so I can only assume not.
I’d much better have seen Emma conquer her own darkness and end the Dark One Lineage for good rather than seeing all it, plus her power, transfer back to Gold, thus ruining his little character development.Quote
Yes! No sucking the darkness out! Just Emma and her struggle, and her light magic overcoming the darkness would have been enough! Don’t they trust their actors to act?
Keeper of Regina's bravery