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Actually, guys, I just recalled something. Remember when Rumpel was abandoned by papa to be raised by two spinsters? Remember we speculated they were two of the three fates from Hercules? Well… there you go. theres the connection, if they are. Hades was tight with the fates. Rumpel was raised by the fates. And also there is a story called the three spinsters (I think) and it appears in the collection of Grimm fairytale book that I have and its basically the story of rumpelstiltskin but with three spinners. And it appears like right before the story of Rumpelstiltskin so…. yeah….
It would be nice if the writers would tie Hades back into the story we’ve seen thus far, but it’s not really how they roll. They’ll connect Hades to one of our characters but via some new adventure/plot we haven’t seen before, not by going back to a previous flashback and fleshing it out.
’m probably wildly off base, but in my wildest dreams the flashbacks for 5×14 will be Rumple abducting baby/toddler Regina and Cora making a deal with Hades (another one of the “deals she had to make,” plural, to get to where she was in 1×18) to get her back – though, of course, a wrench gets jammed in that when you’re forced to ask when in Regina’s life Rose McGowan evolved into Barbara Hershey, but…
I like it. I think the connection is mainly with Cora as well because A and E wouldn’t pass by the Kore name for Persephone without doing something with it.
If Hades is set to make his appearance right away in the season 5b mid season premiere, why have no photos surfaced of him on set in costume? Or did I miss something?
They film a lot indoors.
I think we come up with better theories and answers here than the writers do on the show.
Which is really the final point here. Like I said to Watcher, if the connection is with anyone it most likely will be some new story we haven’t seen yet instead of fleshing out an old flashback because that’s how A and E tell stories.