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You know how a while ago we were all saying that the Buffy parallels between Emma/Hook/DarkHook were similar to Buffy/Angel/Angelus? Well here’s another one, Sunnydale was built on a “hellmouth”. With the entrance to the underworl in the duck pond in Storybrooke park, Storybrooke too is built on a “hellmouth”.
In season 7, Buffy and co went into hell to defeat “the first” evil, guess where Emma and co are going now to save Hook and inevitably come up against Hades?
With Jane Espenson on the payroll for OUAT, it doesn’t surprise me that there are nods to Buffy, but currently it seems like they are just ripping stuff from Buffy to use in Once because they’ve run out of their own ideas.
I think they’re going to do with 5B what they did with 3A, have most of the action take place in UW hence why there is no Belle because she got left behind (again). We may get 1 episode to tell us what Belle was doing in that time, if we’re lucky, before everyone returns to Storybrooke.
I will be really annoyed if the writers have Emma leave Rumple in the UW in exchange for Hook, especially if Belle is pregnant. Because not only would Emma have destroyed Belle’s life, she’d also be leaving a child fatherless just so EMMA get what SHE wants. That would unfortunately complete Emma’s transition from noble flawed hero to selfish bitch. How can CS possibly be considered healthy if Hook brings out the worst in Emma?
Also happy Birthday MRJ. You escaped Once just in time before it went to hell. (pun not intended)
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