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205/206 Press Release:
“Giants vs. Dwarves” and “About Last Knight” Air Sunday, January 17
“Giants vs. Dwarves” — Galavant is fed up with Richard after he trades the Jewel of Valencia for a dragon and travels to find the giants on his own. They are not at all what he expected but are willing to help under one condition – he must help them defeat the dwarves. When they met face to face, Galavant is in for not one but two surprises. Roberta steps in to help bring both men to their senses and attempts to resolve the issues between the dwarves and giants. Gareth tells Sid about his feelings for Madalena. Sid warns Gareth against confessing his feelings, but he is determined, which ultimately leads to a dangerous situation for one of the men. Woodworm sends Isabella to Princess Jubilee’s palace to hand deliver her invitation to her wedding. Things don’t go as planned especially when the crown on Isabella’s head is accidentally broken, on “Galavant,” airing SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 (8:00–8:30 p.m. EST) on the ABC Television Network.
“About Last Knight” — Just as their travels hit a new low, Galavant, along with Richard and Roberta, stumbles upon his father, Sir Arnold Galavant. While Richard prepares for battle by training at Arnold’s knight school, Galavant learns a few things about the man who abandoned him as a child. Madalena tries to make Gareth’s birthday the best day ever, but his idea of a fun time is getting into a bar fight. Isabella returns to Hortensia and banishes Woodworm. Sid, now a wanted man in Valencia, flees to the Forest of Coincidence where he meets Woodworm. Their chance encounter sparks an evil plan. Sid stabs someone with his sword, on “Galavant,” airing SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 (8:30–9:00 p.m. EST) on the ABC Television Network.
“Galavant” stars Joshua Sasse as Galavant, Timothy Omundson as King Richard, Vinnie Jones as Gareth, Mallory Jansen as Madalena, Karen David as Isabella and Luke Youngblood as Sid. The ten-episode series will run each Sunday night for five-consecutive weeks.
“Giants vs. Dwarves” was written by Don Kopelman and directed by Declan Lowney. Guest stars are Genevieve Allenbury as Queen of Valencia, Stanley Townsend as King of Valencia, Clare Foster as Roberta, Nick Frost as Andre, Muzz Khan as Barry, Robert Lindsay as Wormwood, Sheridan Smith as Princess Jubilee, Owen Brazendale as Titan, Stewart James as Dwarf Scott, Chris Patrick-Simpson as Tim, James Rockey as Jubilee Guard and Will Teller as Giant Jeremy.
“About Last Knight” was written by Scott Weinger and directed by Paul Murphy. Guest stars are Genevieve Allenbury as Queen of Valencia, Stanley Townsend as King of Valencia, Kemaal Deen-Ellis as Prince Harry, Clare Foster as Roberta, Muzz Khan as Barry, Robert Lindsay as Wormwood, Greg Wise as Arnold Galavant, Saikat Ahamed as Valencian Peasant 1, Neal Barry as Salesman, Samuel Burton as Serf, Marc Danbury as Bar Patron 1, Earth-G as Hortensian Bishop, Jason Rochefort as Scary Guy, Aaron Turner as Valencian Peasant 3 and Joanna Wake as Old Lady.
Source: http://www.disneyabcpress.com/abc/pressrelease/galavant-giants-vs-dwarves-about-last-night-117/