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"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor
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She’s right, of course. Lana (and JMo) are entitled to see their characters through their own personal lens. Just like the fans. But…emotional truths are going to be emotional truths and this fandom lost the ability to discuss anything rationally a long time ago.
Basically….JMo probably said to herself “(Beep) It”, and has basically ignored the SQ, who have been attacking her for the past three days where else Lana has been put on damage control duties…..but in JMo’s defense, I think JMo is just done with the whole situation.
I hope Adam and Eddy see what they have done…they’ve baited that fandom for so long, they can’t even tell what’s the truth or what’s hidden anymore….if you’re not for SQ or in their way of getting what they want, you’re their enemy. That’s not to say all SQ are bad, there are plenty of wonderful SQ, it’s just the minority(Bad SQ Apples) are the most vocal.
The mere fact Lana was even nervous to speak on this subject is unsettling….it shows just how far SQ Terror has gone, whose specialty is to attack first then play the victim card, but I can’t even place all the blame on them, the main fault lies with Adam, Eddy, OUAT Creative Team who created these monsters by constantly baiting them just to keep their viewings, when if they had just been straight up honest in the beginning, SQ wouldn’t be as pissed off as they are now.
So congratulations Adam & Eddy, you have successfully divided your fandom and destroyed your show.
"If you go as far as you can see...you will then see enough to go even further." - Finn Balor