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Knew I was excited for this show to come back, but I was caught unawares by how many times my heart just wanted to burst right outta my chest. OMG I ADORE THESE CHARACTERS!
My love for Richard knows no bounds. From him telling them to bring the ship ashore with such confidence, then seeing it smashed. His are-we-there-yet style complaining with all the walking. His sadness over Gareth. Him and unicorn. OMG HIM WITH THE UNICORN. He is such a precious bumbling cupcake with such a big heart, and when they showed that plaque on the stump that the sword had been in I wanted to do cartwheels!!!
The writing on this show is so quick and clever and witty. And they poke fun at themselves with things like the plot inconsistency of the magical McGuffin had me rolling! LOLOLOLOL
Gotta love that they took the modern thing about Sykpe calls with buffering video and used it in this medieval setting to create drama and humour.
I just thouroughly enjoy every moment of watching this show, and that’s a beautiful feeling to have about a show.
“tossing him to the bear…” omg.
OMG the gay bar. @Phee, a page back:In which Glavant establishes the EF’s LGBT community in their second season, putting OUAT to shame once again. *
It was the West Hollow-wood location in the synopsis that was the give away, because West Hollywood is a reknowned gay neighbourhood in LA. The promo pics of Kylie performing there was confirmation of it. Most people in here probably have no idea who Kylie Minogue is, but she’s pretty much the queen of Aussie pop music, (has a massive following in the UK too, I think she’s a big deal pretty much everywhere but the US), and she’s got a huge fanbase with the LGBT community. Basically, perfect casting was perfect.