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Home › Forums › Once Upon a Time › Character discussion › Emma + Baelfire = Swanfire › Reply To: Emma + Baelfire = Swanfire
Wait, WHAT?????????
Rumple doesnt care for Neal in canon???????
So thats it. They friggin killed his charachter! So in order not to have MRJ in the show, they killed what was once Rumple/Mr Gold. So now, what, they will bring back Baelfire?? As a child? How many ways could you spell rediculous? Reddikulus.
Wow I HATE this show now. Why couldnt they leave a great story alone? Why take SUCH a beautiful tale like the one in seasons 1 through 3a, and KILL IT?????? Completely distroy it?
For heavens sake! I looked on you tube for a copmilation of Rumple/Regina scenes, because this is my only regret for not watching past season 3, I miss those two and their interactions,
So I looked on YouTube, thinking, I wont watch season 4,5 but only see my dear Regina again. Interacting with Rumple. And… all they had was a compilation on seasons 1 to 3a.
So apparently, ouat is really not worth watching anymore because no more sassy Rumple/Regina scenes either. So why the pull to keep watching this thing, eh?