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I would not give much thought to what some fan said she hear especially bc all people that were there said that they were kept far away and could not hear one line, but sudden this girl was close to hear lines but not all of them, i mean if she was closer than other fans to hear the lines she had to heard them all, not just part of them and is not the first time some fan makes things to get attention.
But if she is not making things up and she did hear the lines, they may not have the ship idea that most fans give them like I said in other posts, Hades may be playing with Zelena abandonment issues to get her on his side against the SB gang, since I think that Cora and Pan probably moved on after 512 so only Hades can play with those Zelena issues, that would actually even explain her being in SB, because he let her go back to SB to get her daughter, and who knows she may bring Belle with her.
But in the double meaning that those words are real and this is ship related,@Watcher this can be explained with, they changed the story mid arc again, so going to UW in arc A had nothing to do with Hook but was always about Zelena, in fact Emma became Do in S4, not for the town and Regina, not even because of Hook, but was all so that Zelena would meet Hades in the UW in 5B, yeah fans can say makes no sense, why would Hades would do a UW SB for Zelena, especially because that is not what she wanted, she wanted that Regina was never born, that she would be king Leo daughter, that she would be loved and chosen by Rumple, was not about SB, but since they can say Rumple becoming Do was never about Bae, they can say that zelena always wanted SB for her, but i guess there is no answer to this nonsense explanation fans can ask A&E and they will say “ we will explain next season” which actually means” don’t think too much about the show because we don’t either think about it or even plan it”.
But then again, with this nonsense explanation they would sort of be able to explain some things, this SB UW is sort of an illusion, is like an alternate world like S4 finale mix with a bit of red room of fire, they are there but they are there, but not actually there, but still can be hurt there, Hades chose the souls that were there that could hurt SB gang, and would explain why no Neal, no Marian, no Daniel and no Graham, since this is a sort of illusion, Daniel and Graham in the alternate world would not have cross Zelena life, so not important for Hades to bring them there, when the SB gang has so many options to make them suffer and obvious no Neal and Marian, since in canon they were killed by her, Hades would not bring Zelena victims to cross her path.
I have to say that I will laugh if this season ends with all the SB gang waking up near the pond, because their bodies were always there and only their souls went to UW, like with the red room of fire, and that would mean that if someone stay behind that person would be like in a sleeping curse state or just like Philip was in S2.
Going to end now, since this is becoming too big, and no I didn’t think about this, I just did like OUAT writers, would write the 1st thing that cross my mind, in fact I think I forgot most of the things I just wrote here, lol.
"I offended you with my opinion? Ha, you should hear the ones I keep to myself".