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I have no idea why anyone would think this is nice. Yeah, it’s bait, but of the worst cruel kind. So Neal’s true love and Neal’s father and Neal’s son just so happen to run into him in the Underworld and then what–leave him there? Are just like “hey thanks for the warning, we gotta go save a pirate who we deem more important than you?” Why does that make any sense? Why is that nice? Are you simply satisfied with a brief glimpse of a character so viciously taken from us? Because if that’s all you need, then go watch Manhattan or Second Star to the Right or Ariel. Malarkey. This isn’t nice. It’s cruel. It’s not about having any kinds of hope dashed because I’ve never had any but I wanted MRJ to stay away from this travesty of a show that treated him and his character so appallingly; that wasted every single chance it had with the poetic story of Neal and Emma, Neal and Rumple, and Neal and Henry. That threw away all its heart for a pirate in eyeliner. This is just a way for A and E to say “see! We remember Neal!” and pat themselves on the back for ingenuity, never mind how hurtful, malicious, and morally repugnant it is to the fans and to the narrative. In other news: we’re getting lax about spoiler in this thread lately. Tag them, guys. Images, discussion, whatever.
It is cruel for you die hard Swanfire shippers. However, if this is a way to bring Neal back permanently, and get rid of Hook for good, this would be amazing I think. Imagine, Emma has to choose between Hook and Neal. Hook tells her to save Neal, she chooses Neal, and then you get all the stuff you mentioned above that they screwed up and never gave us. Again, not sure if this is even possible with MRJ and his schedule (likely not), but let’s not scorn them for something they haven’t done yet. Maybe it will turn out to be good and maybe we’ll even get some more closure from Rumple and Henry interacting with him. Or maybe it will just be a CGI voice over. It could suck. But maybe not…