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I think we’re (you and I specifically) having two slightly different conversations, Watcher, with this matter. Does it make sense that Neal would be in the Underworld and would want to help his true love and his son and keep them safe? Absolutely yes. But it’s being done in a way that is (I keep using this word) cruel and hurtful because of the way it could potentially play out: warning the SB gang and then fading back into non-existence with no one stopping to think about saving him too; no one pondering if Neal’s life is worth saving, if maybe Henry would like to have his father, to acknowledge that Neal’s death wasn’t fair (the words Emma used in regards to Hook), that maybe he (Neal) was a real hero and a good man besides and didn’t deserve to die and maybe there’s some magical mcguffin out there to help! None of that will happen.
I absolutely agree here. It’s a no-brainer really. And once again, I’m not a Swanfire shipper or anything, but if they simply bring him back to warn them, and then don’t address him at all the rest of the way, that is a huge slap in the face of MRJ fans, Neal fans, and really, the whole Neal story line. They can’t just introduce him again, and then go save Hook as if Neal doesn’t matter, or give some bull crap reason why he can’t be saved, but Hook can. Henry would have some say on whether he wants to save the father he never really knew. Rumple would certainly have some say, and with all his dark one power, I can’t imagine he would even agree to not saving Neal. He would go out of his way to save him, even if it meant using all the dark magic he could. He would never agree to save Hook for Emma, when his son is just chilling right there in the same place.
But again, if MRJ is back, and not for just one scene in the beginning warning everyone, this could work. Especially if they planned this and killed Neal off knowing they would eventually be going to the underworld and could eventually save him, or at least have the opportunity to be saved. But I know I’m giving the writers way too much credit here. But I can hope….