I’ve no idea anymore. I think Rumple’s devolution into a villain with the complexity of Skeletor is a symptom of the larger problems with the show and what seems to be its creative bankruptcy. There seems to be no overarching plan, sloppy world building, MacGuffins at every turn. It’s not surprising that character writing is also suffering.
Also, if we take Rumple’s statement at face value, I think the villains in the show seem to have a seriously inflated sense of the attractiveness of SB. We’ve now had Zelena, Hades, Arthur, and presumably now Rumple plotting to take over. I mean have they seen the place? Doesn’t anyone else find it mildly ridiculous that we have a parade of ultra-powerful villains with untold magical powers fighting over a little suburban Podunk (no offense to Steveston, it seems like a perfectly charming place, but…)