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So are Cinderella, Drizella and Lady Tremaine all from the Wish Realm too? In this episode we see WishHook meet up with WishRegina to plot their revenges on WishRumple and The WishCharmings (all of it thirtyish years before we think Wish Realm was even created which still bugs me too) and all that stuff with the Tower and Gothel seemed to be happening in the same realm that they were already in… so is everyone from season seven a Wish Realmer except for our Rumple and our Regina?! Or am I just hopelessly confused?I didn’t even think of that. Why would Hook be upset about the tower being in disarray if it’s not the tower from the Wish Realm? Or was that just lazy writing on the writers part? They can’t be in the Wish Realm because it would have to be the same Cinderella, just without the curse having hit.
I think what they are trying to say is that WishRealm Regina gave WishRealm Hook a map that took him to EF 2.0, where Drizella/Tremaine/ect live.
I don’t think that was implied. He would’ve needed a magic bean otherwise. When Regina was talking about Drizella and meeting her near the tower, Wish Hook looked panic stricken about it being in ruins. Why would it matter since the tower he was with Alice in was in the Wish Realm and not EF 2.0?
Also, how old should Alice be? At the least, when they find each other again, she should be on her 30’s as she was born right around the time Regina was supposed to cast the curse. Perhaps Wonderland messed with her aging like Neverland did to Hook?