<meta property="og:description" content="  I'm new to the forums so i don't know if i'm doing this right... I feel like we were all assuming (mostly me) that because Wish-Hook was looking for his daughter in the magical world the missing girl Rogers is looking for in Seattle is his daughter but it would also make sense that the curse would put a twist on his quest and make his mind think he’s looking for Eloise Gardener (the Witch’s cursed name) instead of Tilly (Alice’s cursed name). Also this isn’t Gothel related but the fact that they showed the Witch speed up"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="  I'm new to the forums so i don't know if i'm doing this right... I feel like we were all assuming (mostly me) that because Wish-Hook was looking for his daughter in the magical world the missing girl Rogers is looking for in Seattle is his daughter but it would also make sense that the curse would put a twist on his quest and make his mind think he’s looking for Eloise Gardener (the Witch’s cursed name) instead of Tilly (Alice’s cursed name). Also this isn’t Gothel related but the fact that they showed the Witch speed up"> - Once Upon a Time podcast forums