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– Gothel double-crossing Drizella and being the real one pulling the strings. We all saw it coming, but it was a good pay-off and makes Drizella’s story all the more tragic and interesting. I’m rooting for her more now. I also liked the Drizella’s transferring of her magic to Anastasia. Good twist.
– Drizella was frozen for 8 years. Interesting.
– Confirmation that Jack is “of the beanstalk” variety lol
– Jacinda calls Henry, not Nick, for consolation, or at least he’s who showed up.
– Incorporation of scenes from the S6 finale! I was afraid they might ignore them.
– Dania and Andrew did a good job of playing a couple who you could tell had been through some things during the time skip, in contrast to how we’ve seen them just first falling in love in the flashbacks.
– Love seeing Zelena back and Robyn! It’s cool, but also weird that she takes after her father considering the circumstances of her conception…I would really appreciate a heartfelt acknowledgment from Zelena to Robyn of her wrongdoing while of course still being thankful for her daughter. Please don’t sweep that under the rug, writers.
– The time skip in the flashbacks. I kind of liked it as a bold move to leave those 8+ years to be filled in. Except things felt very rushed and “Let’s get from plot point A to Plot Point B” as fast as we can.
– I actually liked TLK not working to wake up Lucy – it would have been too easy and predictable. I really liked the line they added with Regina saying, “True Love’s kiss only works if both people believe in true love.” That almost actually makes sense of why Rumple and Belle’s many Storybrooke kisses never broke his Dark One Curse…except why didn’t TLK work once he’d fully embraced their love in 7×04?
– The 8 witches. I’m interested to know more about them; backstories for them would be cool, but I can’t see how they could fit all of that into 7B. I found the last scene to be a little “meh.” They’ve left us with much better scenes and cliffhangers in mid-season finales/finales than that.
– Showing us the scene where Rumple gives Alice the cup and tells her what to do was much appreciated. I don’t know how I feel about him being “scaly Rumple” again. It sets up a potentially interesting story, but please, please, please, do not make him anything close to evil again writers.
– Regina’s line about the timeline. I laughed and was super frustrated at the same time. It was interesting though to hear Zelena say something about Robyn’s age being different in another realm. It’s puzzling, but it gives me hope they really will attempt to explain the timeline this year eventually.
– Why exactly did we leave the Drizella statue out in the open to be taken, and have her present at Lucy’s birthday? Look, we invited your evil step-aunt statue! LOL
– Um, wasn’t the tree Gepetto used the last of it’s kind? Also, Henry, your mom has magic – why are you wasting time chopping down the tree?
– The Alice/Hook scene in the beginning was so hard to understand. I definitely have to rewatch that scene. Something was off with the audio.
– So we “find out” Henry dies if the curse is broke (which we basically already knew), but were not given any indication why or how that all works in the flashbacks. They need the blood of a witch who crushed the heart of the one she loves most, but we didn’t see Regina do that. And if she did, they didn’t tell us how he’s still alive. Are they going to flashback to the moment after the curse was cast again and show Regina pull out some kind of macguffin? This was a question that needed to be answered in the mid-season finale.