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1) What was your favorite episode of S7A? Runner up?
I’ll say 7×04, “Beauty.” After so much back and forth with Rumple’s loyalty to Belle over the last 6 seasons, it was so satisfying to see them live out a full life where Rumple truly chose Belle over the dagger. The HH stuff with Weaver and Tilly was soooo good too. Close runner-ups would be 7×06, “Wake Up Call” – Lana always shines in her backstory eps, and Adelaide Kane absolutely nailed it and 7×09, “One Little Tear” – I really enjoyed the Tremaine/Rapunzel reveal and that whole backstory. Lucy going under was a good twist too.
2) What was your least favorite episode of S7A? Runner up?
My least favorite was probably 7×01, “Hyperion Heights.” It was just interesting enough to keep me watching, but overall I found it a little boring. Runner up would be 7×02, “Pirate’s Life.” I wasn’t a fan of the Wish Realm angle. While I like new Hook’s backstory with Alice, I would much rather they had kept original Hook with an arc trying to return to Emma and given another character the role of Alice’s father.
3) We met a lot of new characters! Who was your favorite? Least favorite?
Favorite is Drizella. Adelaide Kane is doing an amazing job with her and I feel the most invested in her story. Least favorite is probably Lucy. Allison is doing great as an actress, but I think they should have written her character to be a more mature 10 year-old. I think it would have made her more likable and sympathetic.
4) Who do you miss the most from the first six seasons?
Probably Emma. She was the heart of the show for so long, so her absence is definitely felt.
5) What was your favorite moment of S7A? Least favorite?
Favorite moment is either Tilly shooting Rumple and saying “because you told me too!” or the reveal that Tremaine was Rapunzel, mostly because it was a bold move making a “Disney” princess a villain, and I’d predicted it since 7×01. One of my least favorites was discovering Rogers was actually Wish Hook and not original Hook.
6) What storyline would you change if you could?
As much as I love Rumple and Robert Carlyle, I think I would have ended his arc with him dying and being with Belle and Neal in the afterlife. I think that’s where he’ll end up by season’s end, but there’s just no reason (other than wanting to keep RC on the show) that after Rumple had finally fully embraced his true love with Belle, that a final True Love’s Kiss shouldn’t have broken his Dark One Curse for good. That would have been the perfect bookend/come full-circle form “Skin Deep.”
7) What are you hoping for in S7B?
Lots of answers! LOL I hope they show and explain:
– the wonky timeline and everyone’s ages
– the reason Henry will die if the curse is broken and why Lucy will die if it isn’t
– flashbacks of Rapunzel/Tremaine growing distant with and hateful toward Drizella and Ella – perhaps during the time Marcus was searching and after. I want the time gaps of “One Little Tear” filled in.
– Cecelia traveling to Wonderland and finding out there was more to her story than Alice told Ella.
– Rumple finally being rid of the dagger and reunited with Belle and Neal in the afterlife.
– More new characters introduced that are OUAT’s first iteration of them.
8) Rate and/or grade S7A as a whole!
Honestly, I may be in the minority here, but I’ve really enjoyed 7A as a whole, much more than I was expecting to. It got off to a bit of a rough start with the first couple episodes, but I’ve felt very much engaged by the characters and their stories since. 7×10 was not good or satisfying as a mid-season finale, but I’m hopeful it will be better in light of the whole season once more questions are answered. I’d give it a B+.