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The problem with that is that Alice ran up to Rumple the moment he stepped foot into the New!EF.
Which should have made her a prime candidate for the guardian. Rumple tells Gideon “it is time for me to leave this realm and go to the MOMENT where this guardian is waiting for me” and then we see him poof over right in front of Alice, the rabbit, and Henry. It should have been one of those three to be the guardian. That would have been consistent writing. I would love to say that I am not 100% sure Anna is the guardian but she probably is which I don’t believe makes any sense.
I’m guessing Rumple gave up his humanity for Alice but 1) why and 2) what does that even mean and 3) WHY?!
This is what I am assuming also, but gives us some hint that is what happened before throwing it at us. I mean give us one line in present day HH “Alice and I are close we have both given up a lot for each other” Anything, I mean the scene came off as ridiculous because we were all confused and then the mumbling did not help.
So in that one little scene we had Rumple being an imp which no one had any idea about, Hook and Alice’s relationship troubles, and a mysterious love of Alice and some unnamed (Robyn) person at the time. That is a lot of information for one scene and none of it was well done. The show was rushing to give us all this information before the winter break probably so they could talk about it and hope we will also but they failed. They failed because when you rush through story lines they become either confusing or non developed and therefore boring. Why would I just automatically be invested in Robyn and Alice? There is no story there. I am only marginally interested in Alice and Hook’s relationship because they haven’t developed it enough yet. I am somewhat interested in Rumple and Alice’s relationship because they have spent some quality time on it. The same thing goes for Henry and Cinderella they have not spent enough time on the story to get me invested they have rushed through it, and then gave it a magical maguffin true love locket and told me to believe, sorry it does not work that way. I am not invested and don’t care.