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Yeah, i think that once Regina was on the good side, she took over Snow’s job of advice giving and became that character. She has continued being that character during this season, for Henry and Drizella and Zelena and even Rumpel a bit. It can’t be Regina because that has never been the part she has played on the show. The writers definitely haven’t made her the lead now with how little screen time of significance she has been given.
I really think this is the biggest mistake thought. They needed to pick one of the ladies and make them the lead. The lead would have to be in every episode, showing them interacting with all the characters, show them figuring out the mysteries, showing them helping people, showing them standing up to the villains. That character doesn’t really exist anymore. Jacinda has never really been shown to stand up to anyone. Henry hasn’t really either. Jacinda has had a couple of scenes with Drizella in the present day, but hasn’t been part of any of the major plot points with Gothel and Rapunzel. Henry hasn’t either. I am not even sure how aware Jacinda and Henry are of anything that is happening. Drizella has been talking to many characters, but she is crazy. Rumpel is working on the mystery, but he has his own agenda and isn’t helping others. Regina is talking to the most people, at least now that she has her memories, but that has only been the last few episodes. Hook is doing some of the cop stuff, but it has nothing to do with the plot.
Emma in the first episode was questioning what was going on with Regina. She took a chainsaw to her apple tree. She then promptly became the deputy, giving herself power and a reason to be involved with all of the people in town. She was quickly helping others and spending time with Henry and Snow. Emma had fascinating conversations with all of the regular characters, Snow, Regina, Rumpel, Charming, and Henry and is very involved with helping all the others, Red and Granny, the dwarfs, Cinderella 1, Jiminy and Geppetto, Abigail, the Hatter, Hansel and Gretel.
It is almost like they took Emma’s character and split it up and spread out what she did with a bunch of different characters and that just doesn’t work. Jacinda is the mother wanting custody of her child, Drizella is the motherless child, Alice is the street kid, Hook is the cop. That used to all be Emma and the show needed that. The show needs a center.
I agree also with the loss of Storybrooke. In the early seasons, Snow and Emma’s loft, the diner, and the sheriff’s station were in almost every episode and a lot of very important conversations happened in those spaces. There really aren’t those places in the new show and there isn’t that character who you follow around and learn about the world with. It doesn’t work. I am not saying that people had to like Emma, there is a lot to dislike about later season Emma, but Emma served her purpose on the show and that is a necessary purpose on a show like this. I don’t know how they fix it either, but they need to and quickly. Honestly, i think they just have to fix it. Read Jacinda in and involve her with all the characters right now.