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The glass memory people were weird to me as well. They were theoretically people being removed at the moment of their deaths so they could copy their memories into their system… Except… Bill didn’t die in the end, so she should have had a lot more memories post-Doctor, and possibly been older. Surely she didn’t still die young…
Glass-Bill and Water-Bill could both be snapshots of Original-Bill from a moment before her first body’s death.
The Rusty addition was also weird. Why did Rusty hate The Doctor so much suddenly? It’s not like they parted on bad terms… And I felt like if they were going to bring back a one-off character from Capaldi’s run, there are SO MANY MORE memorable ones than Rusty. In my opinion.
I think it’s a sci-fi version of smashing the mirror. Take your most shameful secret memory. Multiply its strength a million-billionfold. Now imagine there’s one other person — just one — who peered into your mind and saw the shame that’s the source of all your self-loathing. Can you look that person in the eye?
I’m sort of interested in how Jodie’s Doctor is going to survive the whole falling out of the TARDIS thing, but I’m mostly vaguely annoyed that they put a bit in there where the TARDIS is literally rejecting her. If it had been another regeneration into a man, it wouldn’t have had the same feeling, but it kind of gives a feeling of “See? Even the TARDIS doesn’t want a woman”.
I think it was a reference to the last time the show rejuvenated itself by changing both Doctor and showrunner. It kind of works as a birth metaphor.
I’m a fan of both this and Sherlock so seeing Mark (The Captain) was a treat. I generally enjoy the companion callbacks. *wipes eyes* I think I forgot about Rusty for like several moments..then was like..ooh the one with the ponds and Clara? ..yeah, I think *squints* or something like that.
It did remind me of Eleven’s debut yes.
Keeper of Emma’sTrue Love Care Bear Stare & Snow & Charming’s Charm Heart.