<meta property="og:description" content="GENERAL: I liked a lot of tiny things; little moments or quotes that put a smile on my face. The overall story though was a slog. The story of the witches doesn't really interest me, it's just plot plot plot. I'm so much more interested in some of the characters like Alice or Drizella. Also, the big reveal was so anticlimactic and feels completely out of left field. Rating: 7/10 LIKED --Regina gives Lucy cocoa! --Rumple fixing the teacup the old fashioned way, with glue. <meta name="twitter:description" content="GENERAL: I liked a lot of tiny things; little moments or quotes that put a smile on my face. The overall story though was a slog. The story of the witches doesn't really interest me, it's just plot plot plot. I'm so much more interested in some of the characters like Alice or Drizella. Also, the big reveal was so anticlimactic and feels completely out of left field. Rating: 7/10 LIKED --Regina gives Lucy cocoa! --Rumple fixing the teacup the old fashioned way, with glue. - Once Upon a Time podcast forums