The thing is Rumpel never denies any of it so i tend to believe that it is all true. I think he ran and people died. I think that Bae is not his. I think that Bae’s mother left Rumpel. I think that Rumpel killed her. I think it is possible that they may just never go into that story though. They could go either way. Leave it open or explain it. It is difficult with Rumpel because the actor is not very deep with the emotion he just does superficial emotion like he is sad oh and that is all there is to it. So maybe Rumpel is just sad that Bae’s mother is dead and did not hesitate and look done because he was involved in her death. The body language read was that there was more to that story and that Rumpel was involved or knows more then he was saying, but that may just be not that great acting or the writers haven’t even decided.