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@rumplegoldfan wrote:
I hope Belle gets an upgrade in the shoe department next season. The poor girl was stuck with those hideous blue shoes in FTL and now she has those ugly nurse’s shoes. Just sayin’.
Here here! Those uggo white shoes really stood out to me, although I understood why she was wearing them. Maybe she and Ruby can go shoe shopping when she gets back to town.
As for Belle v. Bae, I agree with the general sentiment that loving both of them is certainly possible and natural. It is more a question of having both of them. When Rumpel told Belle “My power means more to me than you,” I think he was holding onto his power because he needed it to get back to his son, not as an end in itself. If Mr. Gold was being honest with Archie (and no reason to think he would lie at that point), then this had been his all-consuming goal for several hundred years. No surprise that he freaked out when he felt that power (i.e. means to find his son) being threatened.
I hope that now Rumpelstiltskin with be honest with Belle and explain to her why he rejected her. If she truly loves him, she will support his efforts. It would be a cold-hearted woman to demand that a man abandon his child in order to be with her. Does this mean they can be together but just can’t kiss? That would be a little weird, but not impossible.