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I find this a tricky topic, mainly because everyone in SB believes there are no wolves in the town. Of course, as a viewer, we know there are. Depending on what you believe, there have been one or two wolves that we have seen. Why would everyone think there are no wolves when we were presented with one so early on in the series. It became apparent to us in the first episode that there are wolves in SB. This makes me think that Emma’s wolf in the pilot was very significant. I agree that the wolf wasn’t there by mistake – he/she was preventing Emma from leaving SB. Why would the producers make it so definite in characters minds that there are no wolves, but then present us with one in the first episode of the series?
I think Mr Gold’s phrasing of words is extremely important in many scenes and we see a primary example of it here. There are no wolves in SB, not the literal kind anyway. This indicates not only Mr Gold knows more than he is letting on – that perhaps he is more aware of Ruby/Red’s situation than we think. It wouldn’t be unheard of if Rumple gave Granny Red’s coat and therefore is the only other person past Snow and Granny to know her identity. I think Mr Golds phrasing should be closely paid attention to. He is manipulative, and with this, drops many hints throughout his casual conversations.
As for the wolf/wolves in SB at this time i think they are Graham’s family/ the wolves he was raised by. The wolf brought back so much for him, and they clearly had a gentle connection. He was not afraid, but drawn into the wolf. I think Ruby transforming at this stage of the battle is unlikely. As we can see in the pictures, the wolf looks different. Also, If Ruby had been turning into the wolf for 28 years in SB there would be no people left in the town. The curse is only just beginning to unfold, and with it I think many FTL characteristics will slowly return.