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@Elysabeth1 wrote:
@KalliopeKisees wrote:
After watching last night’s episode “The Stable Boy,” I am more convinced than ever that Regina has an older sibling. We now know (for sure) that Cora is the Miller’s daughter. She makes quite a few references about sacrifices for power in Stable Boy. I DO NOT feel she was able to keep her first born from Rumple (One of the many sacrifices she needed to make). I also feel she too had to sacrifice her true love, hence her diatribe about love being an illusion. Is the QOH Regina’s sister, can’t say for sure. But she is the Queen of HEARTS and we have now seen that pulling out and keeping hearts is a family trait.
I am really liking this theory. If Cora was the millers daughter, she made the deal with Rumpel for her first born. Her powers to me seem very similar to Rumpels. As far as collecting the first born, I can see Rumpel winning that round, or them making a good deal about where the first born would go. (Same idea as the twins and placing one with the King) What if Regina found out her mothers secret? Used Jefferson previously to get into Wonderland and meet her ‘sister’, in the hopes of angering the QoH into helping with revenge against Cora (this all after Stable Boy obviously). It could have backfired with the QoH instead of joining Regina, chose to take out her anger on both of them and take away father Henry from both Regina AND Cora. Later on once Regina got her mother out of the picture and gained enough leverage, she traveled back to Wonderland with Jefferson to retrieve her father. They are all in the same family somehow. Too many resemblances. I can see Regina always feeling like the unwanted child, the one who got the short end of the stick. If she would have been the first born (and her mother made the same deal) SHE would have been QoH. Its all about bitterness with the Queen. She feels wronged by more than just losing Daniel. She feels wronged somehow with her entire existence.