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Thanks very much. I really love having conversations like this. Let me know if there is something that I missed. 😀
4). I don’t think he would return to his house. It wouldn’t be safe at all.
A). He survived the beheading in Wonderland because it happened in Wonderland. If it had been in Fairytale Land, he would’ve died.
B). I don’t think the hat worked–he would’ve used it if it did. Plus, he needs magic, and I don’t think Emma had enough to make the hat work.
6). That is a good question and I have wondered about that for a while. I have a reasons that might explain the reasoning behind it all.
A). With Daniel, he already had his true love, so losing his heart might have been more painful to him that the Huntsman, who is also stronger than the former in many levels.
B). With Regina’s father, we never see what kind of heart is pulled out. I think it was the flesh and blood one.
C). I think the heart that Regina crushed didn’t just have the Huntsman’s emotions. I think it was a link to his life.
D). The Huntsman could still make choices–why else would the Evil Queen threaten him? He was still able to make choices, she just had his life in her hands.
E). I don’t think Regina could pull out hearts in the real world–we never see her do so. She can just crush the hearts she has already.
F). There was proof that showed she still remembered. In the first episode, near the end, when Regina and Mr. Gold are outside her tree, Mr. Gold uses his ‘please’ on her, and Regina looks truly worried.
G). I don’t think he spilled the beans. He just gave an intro, though I’m glad they got rid of him. 😀
8). True–I agree to an extent. But I doubt she would save him if she didn’t love him. Why go through the risk? Even if she hated the Queen of Hearts. Plus, look at her expression when she sees him–she is truly happy. But in the end, she did care more about the ring, Daniel, the curse, and Henry. I wouldn’t say it was strange to show it out of order–at times it can be a bit confusing.
A). Why throw away the curse? She may have found it useless to her (she as good as told Maleficent that) but it still is something that she can keep. If you notice, these Queens/Witches compete for power and leverage over each other. She would have been a fool to have given the curse back.
B). Not sure what you are asking. If it is about the origins about the sleeping curse, that is for season 2. 😀
C). Snow White had not eaten the apple at that time. I think sometime after the Evil Queen had gotten the Sleeping Curse, the Blind Witch had stolen it. Again, for leverage or power.
D). Not yet. That is for season 2, according to the creators.
A). She might not have wanted to draw attention to herself. It could be that, at the time, her people didn’t know that she had dark magic, and she may have wanted to have kept that a secret.
B). Not sure about that one. Again, maybe she didn’t want too much attention drawn to her. Maybe she wanted her to suffer with both fear and pain.
C). I think the fatal way. Regina probbaly likes to have a bit of both.
D). At first she was going to kill Charming, but seeing him lost, trying to save Snow White, I think she thought that was even better. Never being able to find your true love, and slowly dying seems like a horrible way to die. And I don’t think she counted on Rumpelstiltskin helping.
E). I think she is powerful and cunning–just not as much as Cora and Rumpelstiltskin. Regina is fueled by her hatred, and that gets in the way. I think that is why she makes easy mistakes.
11). I’m referring to an interview. Sorry for before–I didn’t know where the link was.
12). That is true. Her Lie had horrible consequences. But I do think that shehad been reluctant to lie. Gepetto (understandably in my opinion) gave her no choice.
13). Again, the creators gave an interview, where they revealed the the true writer of the book would appear.
Here is the link. There are three parts. 😀
15). I think August was hoping that Emma would have some sort of epiphany and remember and take action. The tree was certainly important to August, and I think he hoped it would be important to her, too. That it’s importance on him would be the same for her. It was really the only thing he had to show her, other than his leg, which sadly didn’t work.
The tree was what brought them to the world, after all. It is important. It’s just that it had no effect on Emma–she still, at that moment, didn’t want to take responsilbity. Can’t really blame her. I don’t think he thought the tree to be magical, nor do I think that he has Emma wrapped around her finger. The fact that she refused to believe proves so.
16). Emma mourns him in two scenes, and that is it. But to her credit, she has Regina breathing down her neck, and she has her son to think of. Plus, Emma is not the kind that likes to cry to others. She wants to put up this tough act. It’s only in the last few episodes that she starts showing how truly fragile she is.
29). Throughout the series, Rumpelstiltskin mentioned several times that love was the most powerful magic in the world. The proof can go to Snow White and Prince Charming–they both go through so much, yet they both always find each other. Regina lost her one true love, and that fueled her hate, which in turn fueled her power. Emma’s kiss was the key to waking up Henry from his curse. I think it is both strength and magic.
The ‘please’ can only work for sometimes. With Maleficent, I doubt he would want to work with her–he only used her to keep the potion safe. Plus Maleficent wouldn’t have helped him willingly–she seemed angry (rightly so) about being trapped. The objects and trinkets are probably not powerful enough to create the spell that he needed from the potion–the ones Regina gave to Jefferson were barely enough. Regina’s hearts…maybe…we don’t really know much about their potential, other than that Regina can use them to control people. The Hat won’t work without magic–Jefferson said this before.
I think he wants to use magic to find Bae. That has been his plan from the start–it was the reason for the curse in the first place. And now that he has found Belle, he’ll probably use his mgic to protect her, and get revenge on Regina for locking Belle up and lying to him.
31). There no proof that Jefferson read Henry’s book. And I think Emma assumed that he read the Alice in Wonderland that she read. The pictures looked very similar, and there is the fact that Emma asked Henry if she could borrow the book. I think she was starting to believe.
34). I think it is addressed at the end. Everyone remembers who they are–at least that we know of. Yet they are all in Storybrooke. I think for the curse to be broken, everyone has to return to Fairytale Land. But I think that will be known more in season 2–the ending is not very clear.
37). I don’t think Belle would still have been locked up if not for Jefferson. I think she would have been freed, though I can’t say the same for Sydney. I’m a bit curious as to how Jefferson knew about Belle.
40). The timeline can get confusing. If you watch, Whatever Happened to Frederick again, you see Charming and Red Riding Hood talking.
This is a link in case you don’t wanna watch the whole episode. It is very vague, but still stated.