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@siamese07 wrote:
In the Peter Pan story, he would leave Neverland to visit with Wendy and her brothers. It is similar in SB in that Henry leaves to visit Emma and he seems to be the only one who is able to leave- even Emma crashed into the sign before leaving SB. In Neverland, Peter Pan doesn’t age, he stays a boy forever. In SB, he seems to be the only character who has aged, as Regina adopted him when he was 2 or 3 weeks old and he is now 10. I think maybe at some point, Regina will have to choose between SB or Henry, as he will continue to grow old and eventually die- that will be her redemption to finally put someone else before her self and she will choose to save Henry. Of course I could be way off on this….I have been thinking about it ever since the first episode when Emma asks Henry if he is Pinocchio and he says no- he never answers her question. Thoughts or feedback?
Then, Henry would be the opposite of Peter Pan.
@hjbau wrote:
I don’t think that Henry is going to have a fairytale land counterpart. I think his counterpart is just that he is Snow White and Prince Charming’s grandson.
I have to agree. He doesn’t have a FT counterpart like Emma. They are, who they are.