Hi Oncers Anonymous. I’m medchen, 29 years, from denmark.
And I am a Once Upon a Time addict 😳 -Well Hell No! A proud one 😀
The whole thing sort of crept up on me, I thought I could controll it at the beginning, just a little episode once a week.. But then came the brilliant storylines, the wonderfull acting, the need to find more and more stories that fit OUaT. Not to mention the Once podcast forum with all those dealers on every corner- to much temptation..
But I’m NOT going to give it up.. what ever you say… you cant make me!!! 😡 👿
Anyways it’s good for you, it’s a mindexpanding experience- But if you start seeing pink elephants on the screen or Rumple apeares in the middle of the News ‘better think twice before you come back for more.