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But for some characters at least there has to be some issues. Take Grace for example. One one hand she has a loving father who left her at the neighbors and didn’t come back (not that that was his choice but i doubt she knows that for sure and even after that issue is addressed it will probably still hurt). On the other hand she has two dotting parents who have loved and cared for her for almost three decades, but it was all fake.
I don’t see her throwing either family away for the other; she was probably the person (outside of Regina and her pets) closest to having a happy life in storybrook. And what will happen to Jefferson emotionally when Grace can’t give it up compleatly and go back to the way things were?
Would he be content with just having her on the weekends and every other wendsday? Or on the flip side of that, how much would it dig at him to finally have her back in his life but still have to go back to the other parents house for the weekends and holidays?
The double memories may not drive people crazy, but they are bound to cause issues for at least some people.
Besides the Grace/Jefferson dynamic, what about the charming family? I mean last thing they remember of their true lives they were sending their newborn daughter away but because of the curse she is about the same age as they are, has a kid of her own, and was their friend. As heartwarming as it all will be there has to be some awkwardness there somewhere.