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@ItachiIshtar wrote:
@jessista wrote:
And as much as I would love to see Hook out of the Axis of Evil, I think it would be much more interesting if it was Regina. Plus, we know Hook won’t give up his chance at revenge.
I see it being Hook because he’ll likely have a disagreement about what to do with the dagger. Hook wants Rumple dead, but I don’t think Regina and Cora do.
This is just my guess on things
I agree we know why Hook wants Rumple dead. He wants revenge on Rumple for killing Milah. Now as far as Regina & Cora are concerned they each have different agendas Cora we all know is power hungry she wants control over her daughter Regina and everyone else in Storybrooke what better way to gain that power by getting possession of the dagger that controls Rumpelstiltskin as the Dark One. Regina well she wants Henry back and she is willing to make amends with her mother out of her own guilt for sending her to Wonderland and then trying to kill her before she enacted the curse back in the Enchanted Forest, just so she will have enough power & strength to take Henry away from Emma, Neal, Snow, David & Rumple. I suspect that they intend to use Hook just long enough to find Rumple’s dagger and then royally screw him over either they set a trap to kill him or either put him out of the picture so that he can’t switch sides and help the people of Storybrooke.