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I can’t wait to see how they handle Emma and MM. I’m simply currious to see what she calls her. “Mom?” “Mary Margaret?” “Snow?” This has to be one of the most interesting plot lines EVER on a television show.
Think about it – so when Emma does get a love interest I’m assuming she will still be living with MM, who will then be living with David – so she will be living with her parents?? So when the guy picks her up – her dad, who is the same age as her, will be sizing the guy up and trying to act like the protective father??? And then will they try to give her a curfew?? There don’t appear to be any actually walls on the bedrooms in MM’s apartment, right? So now she lives with her parents and will be bringing a guy back – with her parents there??? And most people are grossed out by the thought of their parents, um . . . . – but her parents used to be just her friends, and they are HER age. Did she used to think David was hot – cause really, would that just totally creep her out now??
Is David going to start calling her “Princess?” Cute nickname lots of dads call their little girls – totally different meaning for this particular one.
Will leather be acceptable attire in the Charming household?? Or will dresses be encouraged, Emma is royalty afterall. Will she have to get used to the dwarves dropping by for dinner all the time??